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Hydrotrope-Induced Micellar Phase of Sodium Dodecyl Slfate as New Detergent for Extraction and Stabilization of Proteins

Viktoriia Starova, Sergey Kulichenko
1 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64 Volodymyrska St., 01033 Kyiv, Ukraine
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X-ray phase analysis and IR spectroscopy data have confirmed a gel-like nature of sodium dodecyl sulfate micellar phase induced by sodium chloride and salicylic acid additives. This phase essentially consists of water (ωH2O > 50 %), which is connected with main components of the micellar-extraction system through intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Capacity of such micellar phase to quantitatively extract of proteins (R > 94 %) with saving of their catalytic activities and dispersity was found.

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