Chemistry & Chemical Technology
Scientific-Technical Journal

Professor Michael Bratychak passed away on August 20, 2023, following a long illness. He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, and Professor at Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Prof. Michael Bratychak is world famous for his research in the field of the synthesis of mono- and oligoinitiators and polymeric materials based thereon. Prof. Bratychak has developed the theoretical bases of the chemical modification of epoxy resins with hydroperoxides and functional peroxides.
As a long-term Editor-in-Chief of Chemistry & Chemical Technology, Prof. Michael Bratychak edited and published 17 volumes of the journal, which include 66 issues and hundreds of papers. He also co-authored numerous articles printed in the journal.
Through the efforts of Prof. Bratychak, Chemistry & Chemical Technology is indexed and abstracted by SCOPUS, the Web of Science, and many other databases and archives.
With great sadness we perceived the tragic news of the death of this unique man and great scientist who connected his entire career with Lviv Polytechnic National University and was one of the most famous Ukrainian scientists. Unfortunately, Professor Michael Bratychak is not with us now. His absence is a great loss for his family, colleagues, and for the entire chemical community in general.
ISSN 1996-4196
Founder and Publisher
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
The journal is currently accepting articles in such field as analytical, general, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry; chemical kinetics and catalysis; biotechnology; chemistry of high molecular compounds; materials science and engineering; technology of inorganic substances and organic synthesis products; chemical technology of processing of combustible minerals; ecology of chemical processes. We are publishing results of scientific works carried out by the leading universities and institutes of Europe, America and Asia.
Starting from 2012 the journal Chemistry & Chemical Technology was accepted for coverage in selected Elsevier products (SCOPUS), included in the Сhemical Abstracts Service (CAS databases) and indexed in such databases as IC Journal Master List; EuroPub, Vernadsky National Library; Electronic Journals Library GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Information Centre, Hamburg; Social Science Research Center Berlin; Vse Nauki; PUBDB DESY Publication Database; ZHdK Medien- und Informationszentrum; Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); World Cat; ResearchBib; InfoBase Index (IBI Factor 2019 is 2.5).
4 issues per year
Free online full-text access