Піролізна переробка полімерних складових відходів електронної продукції
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[1] Tymchuk, I.; Malovanyy, M.; Shkvirko, O.; Zhuk, V.; Masikevych, A.; Synelnikov, S. Innovative Creation Technologies For The Growth Substrate Based on the Man-Made Waste – Perspective Way for Ukraine to Ensure Biological Reclamation of Waste Dumps and Quarries. Int. J. Foresight Innov. Policy 2020, 14, 248-263. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJFIP.2020.111239
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[5] Ishchenko, V. Heavy Metals in Municipal Waste: The Content and Leaching Ability by Waste Fraction. J. Environ. Sci. Health A 2019, 54, 1448-1456. https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2019.1655369
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[7] Przystupa, K.; Vasylkivskyi, I.; Ishchenko, V.; Pohrebennyk, V.; Kochan, O. Electromagnetic Pollution: Case Study of Energy Transmission Lines and Radio Transmission Equipment. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 2020, 2, 124684. https://doi.org/10.15199/48.2020.02.11
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[9] Ishchenko, V.; Pohrebennyk, V.; Kochanek, A.; Hlavatska, L. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management in Ukraine. Proceedings of International Conference on Geosciences 2019, 1, 197–204.
[10] Hlavatska, L.; Ishchenko, V. Doslidzhennya orhanizatsiynykh zasad povodzhennya z vidkhodamy elektrychnoho ta elektronnoho obladnannya v Ukrayini. Visnyk Vinnytskoho Politechnichnoho Instytutu 2021, 1, 42–48. https://doi.org/10.31649/1997-9266-2021-154-1-42-48
[11] Lee, D.; Offenhuber, D.; Duarte, F.; Biderman, A.; Ratti, C. Monitour: Tracking Global Routes of Electronic Waste. Waste Manage. 2018, 72, 362–370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.11.014
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[13] Vasylkivskyi, I.; Ishchenko, V.; Sakalova, H.; Hernan Ullianodt, G.C.; Polyvanyi, S. Municipal Wastewater Management in Ukraine. Desalination Water Treat. 2023, 288, 159–164. https://doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2023.29379
[14] Ranskiy, A.; Korinenko, B. Alternative Energy: Obtaining Synthetic Oil during the Pyrolysis Processing of Polypropylene Waste. Visnyk Vinnytskoho Politechnichnoho Instytutu 2023, 2, 6–15. https://doi.org/10.31649/1997-9266-2023-166-1-13-20
[15] Ranskiy, A.; Gordienko, O.; Sakalova, H.; Sydoruk, T.; Titov, T.; Blazhko, O. Complex Sorption Treatment of Industrial Waste and Production of Plastic Lubricants. Ecol. Eng. Environ. Technol. 2023, 24, 54–59. https://doi.org/10.12912/27197050/159628