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Dependence of Phenol Toxicity on Kind and Position of Substitutes

Irina Belostotskaja, Elena Burlakova, Vyacheslav Misin, Grigory Nikiforov, Natalia Khrapova and Valentina Shtol’ko
N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 4, Kosygin str., 119334 Moscow, Russia
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Toxicity of 28 phenol derivatives with different alkyl substitutes in 2-, 6-positions and NH2 , CN, ОН functional groups in 4-position was studied. The least toxicity has phenols with two tert-butyl substitutes in o-position. The toxicity increases with functional p-substitutes removal from benzene nuclei. The obtained results can help to synthesize new nontoxic bioactive phenols.

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