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Problems of Wastewater Pretreatment from the Edible Oils Production

Lucyna Przywara
University of Bielsko-Biala, Faculty of Materials and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Environmental Protection and Engineering 2, Willowa str., 43-309 Bielsko-Biala, Poland
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The pretreatment of the wastewater from the edible production based on calcium phosphates precipitation, generates sludge characterized by good sedimenting properties. However, a part of the sludge floats through the surface of the settling tank. Lime added for phosphorus removal simultaneously removes also sulphates to a level of above 2000 mg/l. The liquid associated with floated sludge contains low sulfates concentration – about 370 mg/l. The aim of the research project was to examine the causes of such a low sulphates concentration.

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