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Desulphurization and Usage of Medium-Metamorphized Black Coal. 1. Determination of the Optimal Conditions for Oxidative Desulphurization

Serhiy Pyshyev1, Yuri Prysiazhnyi1, Denis Miroshnichenko2, Halyna Bilushchak3 and Roksolana Pyshyeva4
1 Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Lviv Polytecnic National University, 12, S. Bandery str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine 2 Ukrainian State Research Institute for Carbochemistry (UKHIN), 7, Vesnina str., 61023 Kharkiv, Ukraine 3 Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, Lviv Polytecnic National University 4 Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytecnic National University
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The conditions providing proceeding of the reactions between pyrite sulphur of medium-metamorphized coal and air-steam mixture in the kinetic area have been found. Experimental-statistical mathematical model has been designed. The optimal factors of medium-coalificated coal oxidative desulphurization have been determined on its basis. Under optimal conditions two samples of coking coal have been desulphurized. These samples will be used as components of the coal charge in the production of special types of coke.

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