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Desulphurization and Usage of Medium-Metamorphized Black Coal. 2. Desulphurized Coal Used as an Additive for the Production of Special Types of Coke

Yuri Prysiazhnyi, Serhiy Pyshyev, Viktoria Kochubey and Denis Miroshnichenko
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Plastometric investigations of the coking basic charge and charge with desulphurized coal of various quality and quantity have been carried out. Non-volatile residues have been investigated using technical analysis and derivatographic investigations. Their mechanical strength, abrasive strength and reactivity have been examined. In spite of some worsening of medium-metamorphized coal capability to turn into plastic state and cake it may be used as a coking raw material additive (5 mas % relative to the finished mixture) during production of special types of coke. The obtained coke properties were found to be constant or even better compared with those of the basic charge or charge with sulphuric or high-sulphuric additives.

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