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The Features of Rheological and Tribological Behavior of High-Viscosity Polyolefine Compositions Depending on Their Content

Mykhailo Bratychak Jr1, Victoria Zemke1, Natalia Chopyk1 (pp 486-492)
1 Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, St. Bandera St., Lviv 79013, Ukraine
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The influence of additive nature as well as its ratio on the rheological, tribological and technological properties of blends based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene has been determined. The energy costs impact in the polymer blends processing has been studied. It is shown that the rheological and tribological properties of the samples have a complicated dependence, which is determined by inhomogeneity of the system. The paper takes into consideration the influence of the friction coefficient of material and the viscosity of its melt on energy costs during processing by injection molding or extrusion

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