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O. Chornobay
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Taking into account the principle of competition on which the trial takes place, and also often decisive role in its human factor, consider specific features of the judicial reasoning, characteristic of each participant of the legal discourse. The exceptional accent is placed on the rhetorical aspect of argumentative practice, used in legal proceedings, when fully opened of the participants meaning in the process of solving the case.

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predstavnytstvo v sudi [The exceptional right of a lawyer to representation in court] / Volodymyr Kravchuk // Visnyk Vyshchoyi kvalifikatsiynoyi komisiyi suddiv Ukrayiny. 2016. №2. pp. 2–7.

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 850(11): 300–306