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Valeriy Muzh
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The article is devoted to the study the influence of the determinants of environment on the formation of a collective legal consciousness. The authors analyses the main determinants such as culture, class, family and also the psychological factors that appear in the consciousness of the individual as a member of a social group. It is established that social structures can put pressure causes the deviant behaviour from the accepted norms of some individuals. However, an important tool that allows you to avoid these negative manifestations that are legal education and legal culture that affect the consciousness of society. Implementation of measures of legal education improves the level of legal culture and legal consciousness, will give the opportunity to realize representatives basic legal values, which are essential for their social development. We come to the conclusion that the consciousness of the individual displays certain characteristics that are peculiar to him as the representative of a certain culture, class, or member of a certain family. The sense of justice acts as a mechanism of social adaptation of the person. Creates the idea of reforming the legal life of society.

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