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Ihor Sytar
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Rising problem of legal acculturation in general theoretical perspective, highlights the essential characteristics, specifying the types of the process and social conditioning. Particular attention is paid to the advantages and disadvantages of legal acculturation as a process of 165 interaction between legal cultures and legal systems. Attention is focused on the anthropological approach to the process of acculturation, because with this approach we can determine the essential characteristics of the phenomenon. Specified legal acculturation interaction with the cultural, philosophical, and social anthropology. Special attention is drawn to the fact that the legal acculturation – it is legal interference, the so-called voluntary process of socio-cultural interaction, where the legal system act as a donor and as a recipient, resulting in qualitative changes occur in both jurisdictions. Also determined that the legal acculturation – a long-term, synergistic and objective process of social and cultural interaction between legal systems.

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