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Fluctuations of Annual Precipitation and Water Resources Quality in Ukraine

Valentina Pidlisnyuk1, John Harrington JR2, Yulia Melnyk 3 and Yuliya Vystavna4
1Jana Evangelista Purkyne University, Kralova vysina 7, 400 96,Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic 2 Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA 3 Kremenchuk National University, 39600 Kremenchuk, Ukraine 4 O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy, 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine
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The article focuses on examining the influence of fluctuations in annual precipitation amount on the quality of surface waters. Water quality was estimated with data on BOD, COD and phosphate–ion concentration within five selected regions of Ukraine. Analysis of the precipitation data (1991 – 2010) showed different regional trends. Using the statistics, determination of the interconnection between precipitation amount and water resources quality were done. The obtained regularities and associated uncertainties can be used for prediction of changes in water resource quality and as a guide for future adaptation to possible climate change.

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