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Sulfur Gas Production in Ukraine (Review)

Victor Yavorskiy, Andriy Slyuzar and Jaroslav Kalymon
Lviv Polytechnic National University 12, S. Bandera St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine;
PDF icon full_text.pdf121.04 KB
The state of sulfur gas production in Ukraine has been examined. The major producers and consumers of sulfur, as well as available technologies for gases purification from hydrogen sulfide have been characterized. The necessity of applying new methods of gas cleaning from hydrogen sulfide to form sulfur of special grades has been grounded. The advantages of quinhydrone cleaning method to form fine sulfur have been shown.

[1] Yavorskiy V.: Technologia Sirky i Sulfatnoi Kysloty. Vyd-vo Nats. Univ. Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv 2010.


[3] 24A4.pdf



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[8] Yavorskiy V., Kalymon Y., Chaiko N. and Znak Z.: Visnyk Nats. Univ. Lviv Polytechnic, 2001, 426, 180.

[10] Znak Z. and Yavorskiy V.: Nauk.-Techn. Inform., 2005, 3, 25.

[11] Kalymon Y., Znak Z. and Pozniak I.: Vopr. Khimii i Khim. Technol., 2005, 5, 53.