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  • Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 3557 of /home/science2016/public_html/includes/

Mechanism and Kinetic Regularities of Inactivating Effects of Cavitation on Microorganisms

Tetyana Vitenko and Olga Gashchyn
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Disinfective action of physical-chemical effects accompanying hydrodynamic cavitation on the microorganisms sanitary indices in water has been studied. Disinfection kinetics was found to be dependent on the cavitation field characteristics and the microbes population. Based on the structural-morphological investigation of the E.coli bacteria it was found that antimicrobial effect is obtained due to the mechanical rupture of cells and chemical disinfection, which results from the hydroxyl radicals and hydrogen peroxide effect. Mathematic model that allows predicting the disinfection result under the hydrodynamic cavitation has been developed. The effect of chemicals on E.coli microorganisms under hydrodynamic cavitation has been investigated. Adding of AgNO3 or hydrogen peroxide in the cavitation installation makes it possible to reduce the disinfection time and to decrease the chemical oxides concentration by 50–70 %, which is caused by the synergism effect.

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