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Technogenic Nanoparticles from Coal Carbonization Products

Volodymyr Shmalko, Oleg Zelensky and Maryan Rudkevich
SE «Ukrainian State Research Institute for Carbochemistry», 7, Vesnina str., 61023 Kharkiv, Ukraine;
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Experiments on the extraction of technogenic nanoparticles from coal carbonization products, namely, coke, pitch coke, coal tar, coke dust and carbon deposits from coke and coke-pitch chambers were carried out. With the help of transmission electron microscopy method extracted carbon nanoparticles were investigated. The rationale of the derived nanoparticles technologic origin is given in this paper. The obtained micro-diffraction patterns indicate that the extracted nanoparticles are crystalline solids. Energy-dispersive analysis showed that all of the nanoparticles and micro-particles are composed of carbon. With the help of scanning electron microscope method residual resulting from the storage of aqueous suspensions of nanoparticles were studied. It was found that the residual is composed mainly of carbon micro-tubes and micro-ribbons.

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