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Development of Ammophos Production Technology from Algerian Phosphorites

Sergiy Vakal1, Eduard Karpovych1, Myroslav Malyovannyi2 and Oleh Stokalyuk3
1 Sumy State Scientific-Research Institute of Fertilizers and Pegments, 12, Kharkivska str., 40012 Sumy, Ukraine; 2 Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S.Bandery str., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine; 3 Lviv State University of Vital Activity Safety, 35, Kleparivska str., 79000 Lviv, Ukraine;
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Technological aspects of ammophos production using Algerian phosphorites as a raw material have been investigated. The necessity of increased consumption of sulphuric acid during the Algerian phosporites processing compared with apatite processing has been grounded. The dependence of pH solution on NH3:H3PO4 molar ratio has been determined during neutralization of extraction phosphoric acid prepared from Algerian phosphorites. The necessity of acid solution deeper neutralization in the technology of extraction phosphoric acid production has been proved. The boundary drying temperature of ammonia pulp has been determined. The relation between ammonium nitrogen and drying time has been specified.

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