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1. Voloshy`n Yu. O. Konsty`tucijno-pravove zabezpechennya yevropejs`koyi mizhderzhavnoyi integraciyi: problemy` teoriyi i prakty`ky`. Dokt, Diss. [Constitutional and legal provision of the European interstate integration: problems of theory and practice. Dokt, Diss,]. Kiev, 2010. 36 р. 2. Pro ratyfikatsiyu Uhody pro asotsiatsiyu mizh Ukrayinoyu, z odniyeyi storony, ta Yevropeys’kym Soyuzom, Yevropeys’kym spivtovarystvom z atomnoyi enerhiyi i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoyi storony [On ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European atomic energy community and their member States, on the other hand]. The law of Ukraine on September 16, 2014. 3. Pro Stratehiyu staloho rozvytku “Ukrayina – 2020” [On the Strategy for sustainable development “Ukraine – 2020”]. Decree of President of Ukraine on January 12, 2015. Availadle at: 4. Pro rishennya Rady` nacional`noyi bezpeky` i oborony` Ukrayiny` vid 6 travnya 2015 roku “Pro Strategiyu nacional`noyi bezpeky` Ukrayiny`” [On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on May 6, 2015 "On National Security Strategy of Ukraine"]. Decree of President of Ukraine on May 6, 2015. Availadle at: 5. Pro Koncepciyu borot`by` z terory`zmom [The Concept of the fight against terrorism]. Decree of President of Ukraine on April 25, 2013. Availadle at: 6. Pro rishennya Rady` nacional`noyi bezpeky` i oborony`
Ukrayiny` vid 2 veresnya 2015 roku “Pro novu redakciyu Voyennoyi doktry`ny` Ukrayiny`” [On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on September 2, 2015 "On the new edition of the Military Doctrine of Ukraine"]. Decree of President of Ukraine on September 24, 2015. Availadle at: 7. Pro Zvernennya Verxovnoyi Rady` Ukrayiny` do parlamentiv inozemny`x derzhav, parlaments`ky`x asamblej mizhnarodny`x organizacij shhodo zasudzhennya try`vayuchoyi agresiyi Rosijs`koyi Federaciyi proty` Ukrayiny` [On Appeal of the
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to parliaments of foreign States, the parliamentary assemblies of international organizations regarding the condemnation of the continuing aggression of Russian Federation against Ukraine]. Resolution Of The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine on February 18, 2016. 8. Pro osnovy` nacional`noyi bezpeky` [On the basics of national security]. The law of Ukraine on June 19, 2003. 9. Pro zasady` vnutrishn`oyi i zovnishn`oyi polity`ky` [On the basis of domestic and foreign policy]. The law of Ukraine on July 01, 2010. 10. Pro Radu nacional`noyi bezpeky` i oborony` Ukrayiny` [On the national
security Council and defense of Ukraine]. The law of Ukraine on March 05, 1998. 11. Poyasnyuval`na zapy`ska do proektu Zakonu Ukrayiny` “Pro osnovy` zapobigannya ta borot`by` z ekonomichny`my` pravoporushennyamy`” [Explanatory note to the draft law of Ukraine "On fundamentals of prevention and combating of economic offences"]. Availadle at: osnovnoy.doc. 12. O. S. Vlasyuk, Ya. B. Bazy`lyuk, S. V. Davy`denko Ry`zy`ky` i zagrozy` ekonomichnij bezpeci Ukrayiny` u 2015–2016 rr. ta mexanizmy` yix minimizaciyi. Anality`chna zapy`ska [Risks and threats to economic security of Ukraine in 2015-2016 and the mechanisms to minimize them. Analytical note]. 2015, 13 р. Availadle at: 13. Gubareva I. O. Formuvannya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky` Ukrayiny` v umovax akty`vizaciyi integracijny`x procesiv Dokt, Diss. [The formation of economic security of Ukraine in conditions of activation of integration processes. Dokt, Diss,]. Kharkov, 2015. 37 р. 14. Komisiya NATO – Ukrayina [The Commission NATO – Ukraine]. Availadle at: