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Ionometric Determination of Tannins in Industrial Production

Natalia Lutsenko1, Maria Mironyak1, Jurij Panchenko2 and Volodymyr Tkach
1Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; 2Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S.Bandery St., 79016 Lviv, Ukraine
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The interaction of organic cationic complex particle tannin-Ва2+ with heteropolyanion of Keggin structure РМо12О403- was investigated with the help of spectrophotometric method. These slightly soluble associates were used as electrode active substances (EAS) in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membranes of ion-selective electrodes (ISE), sensitive to organic cationic complex particle tannin-Ва2+. Based on the experimental data, a new method of tannin determination in industrial products and oak bark extract by direct potentiometry with the help of ISE was developed.

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