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The Usage of Oil Refining Industry Waste as Vulcanization Active Ingredient of Elastomeric Compositions

Iryna Kachkurkina, Valery Ovcharov and Olena Shevchenko
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The influence of composite component perlite DPh-Zn, that is the waste of oil refining industry, on the formation of properties complex of rubber mixes and their vulcanizates on the basis of apolar cis-1,4-polyisoprene and butadiene-nitrile rubbers of various polarity has been investigated. It has been established that perlite DPh-Zn is the effective vulcanization active component of multifunctional action capable at 10.0 mass frac. concentration to replace in full or in part traditional accelerators, vulcanization activators, stabilizers, and can be recommended for use in industrial elastomeric compositions for rubber goods manufacturing.

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