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Role of the Structure and Composition of Macromolecule Chain in Chemical Plasticization of Polymers

Oksana Manchenko and Valeriy Nizhnik
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The correlation between the parameters of chemically plasticized polar polymers (glass transition temperature, solubility parameter, cohesive energy, polarizability, modulus of elasticity in shear) with polarity and van der Waals volume of macromolecule link was investigated. It was shown that the chemical plasticization of PVAc and PVME by the alkylated polar groups replacement in weakly polar methyl group is not associated with the parameters of isolated macromolecule and is mainly determined by the intermolecular interaction. The chemical plasticization for the polyacid and polybase occurs via alkylation carboxyl and hydroxyl groups accordingly. The methyl ether of poly(acrylic acid) chemical plasticization is observed at increase of an alkyl radical size.

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