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Flame-Retard Polymer Composites on the Basis of Modified Magnesium Hydroxide

Oleh Shevchuk1, Udo Wagenknecht2, Sven Wiessner2,3, Natalya Bukartyk1, Maxym Chobit1 and Viktor Tokarev1
1Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 S. Bandery str., 12, 79013 Lviv, Ukraine; 2Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, 6 Hohe str., 01069 Dresden, Germany 3Technical University of Dresden, Institute of Materials Science, 01062 Dresden, Germany
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Flame-retardant polymer composites based on homo- or copolymers of propylene as the matrix polymer and dispersed magnesium hydroxide, surface-modified by polyperoxides, as the filler have been obtained and characterized. The influence of the polyperoxide nature and the content of peroxide groups immobilized at the filler surface onto the mechanical and rheological properties as well as flame retardancy of composites have been studied. The peroxide surface modification of magnesium hydroxide results both in more even distribution of inorganic particles in the polymer matrix and strong interaction at the filler-polymer interface that in turn provides an appreciable improvement in the composite physico-mechanical properties.

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