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Disruption of Yeast Cells Xanthophyllomyces Dendrorhous (Phaffia Rhodozyma) by Vibration Resonant Low-Frequency Cavitator

Olha Stefanyshyn1, Alla Hunchak1, Volodymyr Starchevskyy2,Yuriy Salyha1
1 Institute of Animal Biology NAAS, 38, V.Stusa St., 79034 Lviv Ukraine. 2 Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S.Bandera St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine.
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The goal of the study is to optimize the mode of disruption of the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma KNH 1 by a vibration-resonant low-frequency cavitator (VLC). The destruction of the cell biomass of yeast culture P. rhodozyma strain KNH 1 was carried out in VLC with water cooling, the capacity of 800 W, and resonant frequencies of vibrations of 30 Hz, 35 Hz, 37 Hz, 37.8 Hz, 39 Hz, 50 Hz, and in the presence of nitrogen in the reaction medium. Our data suggest that the yield of processed biomass by the treatment of yeast culture in VLC depends on the culture age and the mode of the treatment. Thus, for the six-day culture, we got the highest yield by its processing in VLC at 35 Hz for 75 min. The highest yield from the five-day culture was obtained after the treatment in VLC for 1 h at 37-37.8 Hz. The lowest yield of the disrupted yeast cells was obtained after 5 h of treatment in VLC at 37.8 Hz. The high level of yeast cell disruption can be used for the preparation of glucans aqueous solutions. Our data show that for such a level of disruption to treat five-day culture of P. rhodozyma in VLC at 37 Hz resonance frequency with nitrogen gas, bubbling through the reaction medium is economically profitable. For the first time, this study demonstrates the established optimal mode of destruction of yeast cells of P. rhodozyma strain KNH1 for the action of the vibration-resonance low-frequency cavitator or VLC. Ana¬lysis of the presented data indicates that the claimed me¬thod is convenient, efficient, and technologically justified.

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