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U. Vorobel
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The legal nature of the right to reject the appeal in civil proceedings has been researched. Covered by the scientific literature opinions on the legal nature of this discretionary right of the appellant has been analyzed; moreover the errors related to the incorrect interpretation of the legal nature of the institution have been illustrated using the examples of legal literature. It has been concluded that the right to reject the appeal should be interpreted as a waiver of appellant, who had already realized his or her right to appeal the court decision, from the right to pursue appellate litigation, what generally leads to exhaustion of the right to appeal the judgment as one with the constitutional principles of administration of justice, which leads to loss of opportunity of the repeated application to the court with the same appeal to that same judgment and on the same grounds.

1. Gusarov K. V. Perehliad sudovykh rishen’ v apeliatsiinomu ta kasatsiinomu poriadkakh [Appeal and Cassation Review of Court Decisions], Kharkiv, Pravo Publ, 2010, 352 p [in Ukrainian]. 2. Batryn O. V. Vidklykannia apeliatsiinoi skarhy ta vidmova vid nei v tsyvilnomu protsesi Ukrainy [Withdrawal of Appeal and Its Abandonment in the Civil Proceeding of Ukraine], Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu vnutrishnikh sprav, 2013, no. 2 (61), pp. 240–247 [in Ukrainian]. 3. Kyrylyuk I. Protsesual’ne znachennia vidklykannia apeliatsijnoi skarhy ta vidmovy vid nei v administratyvnomu sudochynstvi Ukrainy [Procedural significance of withdrawal of appeal and rejection of appeal in administrative proceedings], Sudova apeliatsiia, 2015, no. 4 (41), pp. 6–12 [in Ukrainian]. 4. Ukhvala Apeliatsijnoho sudu L’vivs’koi oblasti vid 23 chervnia 2016 roku u spravi No 466/4270/15 [Decision of the Court of Appeal of the Lviv Region of June 23, 2016 in Case No 466/4270/15]. Available at: [in Ukrainian]. 5. Ukhvala Apeliatsijnoho sudu Zakarpats’koi oblasti vid 02 liutoho 2016 roku u spravi No 299/3300/15-ts [Decision of the Court of Appeal of the Zakarpattіa Region of February 02, 2016 in Case No 299/3300/15-c]. Available at: [in Ukrainian]. 6. Ukhvala Apeliatsijnoho sudu mista Kyieva vid 05 zhovtnia 2016 roku u spravi No 757/7932/15-ts [Decision of the Court of Appeal of the Kyiv city of October 05, 2016 in Case No 757/7932/15-c]. Available at: [in Ukrainian]. 7. Ukhvala Apeliatsijnoho sudu Ivano- Frankivs’koi oblasti vid 01.03.2016 roku u spravi No 344/17249/15-ts [Decision of the Court of Appeal of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region of March 01, 2016 in Case No 344/17249/15-c]. Available at: [in Ukrainian]. 8. Ukhvala Vyshchoho spetsializovanoho sudu Ukrainy z rozhliadu tsyvilnykh i kryminalnykh sprav vid 20 lypnia 2016 r. u spravi No 758/10416/13-ts [Resolution of the Higher Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases of July 20, 2016 in Case No. 758/10416/13-с]. Available at: http://www. [in Ukrainian]. 9. Pro sudovu praktyku rozhliadu tsyvilnykh sprav v apeliatsiinomu poriadku: Postanova Plenumu Verkhovnoho Sudu Ukrainy No 12 vid 24 zhovtnia 2008 roku [On Judicial Practice of Civil Appellate Proceedings: Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine No. 12 of October 24, 2008], Visnyk Verkhovnoho Sudu Ukrainy, 2008, no. 11 (99), pp. 7–14 [in Ukrainian].

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 855(12): 384–388