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V. Ortynskyy
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The article analyzes the scientific views regarding legal and regulatory framework to ensure the economic security of Ukraine. Analyzes the legal regulation in the sphere of economic security, determined objectively predefined set of social relations aimed at ensuring protection from threats to the national economy. Revealed major problems of economic security of the state and proposals for improving legal security areas investigated.

1. Voloshy`n Yu. O. Konsty`tucijno-pravove zabezpechennya yevropejs`koyi mizhderzhavnoyi integraciyi: problemy` teoriyi i prakty`ky`. Dokt, Diss. [Constitutional and legal provision of the European interstate integration: problems of theory and practice. Dokt, Diss,]. Kiev, 2010. 36 р. 2. Pro ratyfikatsiyu Uhody pro asotsiatsiyu mizh Ukrayinoyu, z odniyeyi storony, ta Yevropeys’kym Soyuzom, Yevropeys’kym spivtovarystvom z atomnoyi enerhiyi i yikhnimy derzhavamy-chlenamy, z inshoyi storony [On ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European atomic energy community and their member States, on the other hand]. The law of Ukraine on September 16, 2014. 3. Pro Stratehiyu staloho rozvytku “Ukrayina – 2020” [On the Strategy for sustainable development “Ukraine – 2020”]. Decree of President of Ukraine on January 12, 2015. Availadle at: 4. Pro rishennya Rady` nacional`noyi bezpeky` i oborony` Ukrayiny` vid 6 travnya 2015 roku “Pro Strategiyu nacional`noyi bezpeky` Ukrayiny`” [On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on May 6, 2015 "On National Security Strategy of Ukraine"]. Decree of President of Ukraine on May 6, 2015. Availadle at: 5. Pro Koncepciyu borot`by` z terory`zmom [The Concept of the fight against terrorism]. Decree of President of Ukraine on April 25, 2013. Availadle at: 6. Pro rishennya Rady` nacional`noyi bezpeky` i oborony`
Ukrayiny` vid 2 veresnya 2015 roku “Pro novu redakciyu Voyennoyi doktry`ny` Ukrayiny`” [On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine on September 2, 2015 "On the new edition of the Military Doctrine of Ukraine"]. Decree of President of Ukraine on September 24, 2015. Availadle at: 7. Pro Zvernennya Verxovnoyi Rady` Ukrayiny` do parlamentiv inozemny`x derzhav, parlaments`ky`x asamblej mizhnarodny`x organizacij shhodo zasudzhennya try`vayuchoyi agresiyi Rosijs`koyi Federaciyi proty` Ukrayiny` [On Appeal of the
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to parliaments of foreign States, the parliamentary assemblies of international organizations regarding the condemnation of the continuing aggression of Russian Federation against Ukraine]. Resolution Of The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine on February 18, 2016. 8. Pro osnovy` nacional`noyi bezpeky` [On the basics of national security]. The law of Ukraine on June 19, 2003. 9. Pro zasady` vnutrishn`oyi i zovnishn`oyi polity`ky` [On the basis of domestic and foreign policy]. The law of Ukraine on July 01, 2010. 10. Pro Radu nacional`noyi bezpeky` i oborony` Ukrayiny` [On the national
security Council and defense of Ukraine]. The law of Ukraine on March 05, 1998. 11. Poyasnyuval`na zapy`ska do proektu Zakonu Ukrayiny` “Pro osnovy` zapobigannya ta borot`by` z ekonomichny`my` pravoporushennyamy`” [Explanatory note to the draft law of Ukraine "On fundamentals of prevention and combating of economic offences"]. Availadle at: osnovnoy.doc. 12. O. S. Vlasyuk, Ya. B. Bazy`lyuk, S. V. Davy`denko Ry`zy`ky` i zagrozy` ekonomichnij bezpeci Ukrayiny` u 2015–2016 rr. ta mexanizmy` yix minimizaciyi. Anality`chna zapy`ska [Risks and threats to economic security of Ukraine in 2015-2016 and the mechanisms to minimize them. Analytical note]. 2015, 13 р. Availadle at: 13. Gubareva I. O. Formuvannya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky` Ukrayiny` v umovax akty`vizaciyi integracijny`x procesiv Dokt, Diss. [The formation of economic security of Ukraine in conditions of activation of integration processes. Dokt, Diss,]. Kharkov, 2015. 37 р. 14. Komisiya NATO – Ukrayina [The Commission NATO – Ukraine]. Availadle at:

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 855(12): 4–12