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Investigations of Cavitation Processes in Different Types of Emitters Using Sonochemical Analysis

Victor Yavorskiy, Yuriy Suchatskiy, Zenoviy Znak and Roman Mnykh
Lviv Polytechnic National University 12, S. Bandera St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine
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The application limits of optical and sonochemical methods to determine the sizes of cavitation bubbles and their derivatives have been analyzed. The effect of cavitation fields generated using an ultrasonic magnetostrictive oscillator and jet hydrodynamic emitter on the parameters of their acoustic signals has been examined. The bubbles size depending on emitter type and parameters has been determined using sonochemical analysis. The character of the dependence was estimated according to Minnaert formula. The bubbles dispersity in the flotation zone may be controlled by varying conditions of cavitation excitation.

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