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Peculiarities of nmr 1h and 13c spectra of benzoates and benzoylformates carbalkoxyl fragments

Volodymyr Mizyuk and Volodymyr Shibanov
Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv, Ukraine
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peculiarities of NMR 1H and 13C spectra of benzoates and benzoylformates carbalkoxyl fragments have been studied. Characteristic values of chemical shifts of three types: carboxyl, a- and b-carbon atoms of alkoxyl groups have been presented in NMR 13C spectra. Characteristic values of protons attached to the mentioned atoms have been given in PMR spectra. Analogous parameters of some carbalkoxyl-containing compounds of general formula Y–COO–CH2–R have been presented for comparison.

[1] Mizyuk V., Elagin G., Shybanov V. and Kobyn L.: Visnyk Cherkaskogo Universytetu, 2006, 87, 148.

[2] Mizyuk V., Shybanov V. and Kobyn L.: Voprosy Khimii i Khim. Techn., 2005, 5, 51.

[3] Mizyuk V., Shybanov V., Kobyn L., Marshalok G. and Elagin G.: Chem. & Chem. Techn., 2008, 2, 69.

[4] Mizyuk V. and Shybanov V.: Chem. & Chem. Techn., to be publ. in 2009.

[5]. Aldrich/ACD Library of FT NMR Spectra (Pro) Data Base Window.


[7] Mizyuk V., Shybanov V. and Marshalok I.: Zh. Org. Khim., 1994, 30, 601.