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O. Remenyak
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The article analyzes the constitutional reforms caused by the need to improve the state and legal system of the Austrian Empire after the Revolution 1848–1849 which resulted in the formation of the dualistic Austria-Hungary. The paper explains the essence and factors of the constitutional reforms. It has been established that the search of a constitutional system model lasted for several decades, ranging from the model of broad federalization of the country to strengthening the centralist tendencies. The article substantiates the opinion that the creation of the dualistic monarchy along with granting the limited autonomy to the provinces was a compromise variant of power decentralization, which was adopted by the ruling dynasty trying to ensure the stability of the state.

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Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 855(12): 361–366