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S. Hasanzadeh
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To define the woman, as one of the important social group in the society, is very difficult matter without completed researches as social and biological being. Despite the fact that woman are on the focus by the system of the international laws, and most researchers, it has not been defined as much enough as the scientific community and all need to recognize the definition of notion of “woman”. At the modem age, it is necessary to define the woman as an important topic. In terms of this, the woman is defined as a legal concept on the based of different scientific source in this article. The status of woman is also determined by the author and some other matters investigated.

1. Hasanzade S. B. Rol' Heydara Alyeva v sfere zakreplenyya prav zhenshchyn v zakonodatel'stve Azerbaydzhana [The role of Heydar Aliyev in consolidation women's rights in the legislation of Azerbaijan]. Materyalы Konferentsyy posvyashchennыe 90-letyyu Obshchenatsyonal'noho lydera Heydara Alyeva. – Baku, may 2013. – (na azerb. yazыke). 2. Dzheyms Dzh. U. Lychnost' [Personality]. M.: Polytyzdat, Publ, 1991. – 624 p. 3. Zakhydov B. Suytsyd (krymynolohycheskye, sotsyolohycheskye y psykholohycheskye эtyudы o zhyzny y smerty). [A suicide (criminological, sociological and psychological etudes about life and death)]. – Baku, 2012. – (na azerb. yazыke). 4. Sbornyk mezhdunarodnыkh dokumentov. [Compilation of International Documents]. – Baku, 2005. – Tom 1. 5. Malakhov H. Zhenskye taynы, muzhskye problemы. [Women's secrets Men's Issues]- Moskva, 2002. 6. Bayramov A. S., Alyzade A. A. Psykholohyya. [Psychology]. – Baku, 2000. – (na azerb. yazыke). 7. Tolkovыy slovar' hendernыkh termynov. [The Explanatory Dictionary of gender terms]. – Baku, 2005. – (na azerb. yazыke). 8. Hasanzade S. B. O nekotorыkh kharakternыkh osobennostyakh prav zhenshchyn v Azerbaydzhane [On some characteristic peculiarities of women's rights in Azerbaijan] Sovremennыe problemы pravovoy nauky: Materyalы IV Respublykanskoy nauchno-teoretycheskoy konferentsyy na temu novыe tendentsyy v zashchyte prav y svobod cheloveka v Azerbaydzhanskoy Respublyke, 6–7 maya 2014, Baku. – pp. 10–114. (na azerb. yazыke)

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 855(12): 186–108