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R. Sybirna, A. Sybirnyj, O. Khomiv
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Analyzed the importance of veterinary and sanitary expertise in quality assurance and food safety for the life and health of citizens. The question of justification for the appointment of veterinary and sanitary expertise, especially their conduct and responsibility for violation of veterinary-sanitary norms and rules.

1. Gamidullayev S. M., Ivanova Y. V., Mykolayeva S. L., Symonova V. M. Tovaroznavstvo ta ekspertyza prodovolchyh tovariv [Commodity expertness and examination of food] Sankt-Peterburg, Alpha, 2000. 432 p. 2. Gamov V. K., Pavlova G. P., Kolmogorov Y. M. Ekspertyza prodovolchyh tovariv [Examination of food] Vladyvostok, DVGAEU, 2000. 248 p. 3. Dubcov G. G., Tovaroznavstvo harchovyh produktiv [Food commodity expertness] Kyiv, Majsternist, 2001. 264 p. 4. Yemchenko I. V., Batutina A. P. Ekspertyza tovariv [Examination of goods] Kyiv, CUL, 3013. 278 p. 5. Zhiriajeva Y. V. Tovaroznavstvo [Commodity expertness] Sankt-Peterburg, Piter, 2012. 416 p. 6. Pro vyluchennia z obigu, pererobky, utylizaciju, znyshchennia abo podalshe vykorystannia nejakisnoji ta nebezpechnoji produkciji: Zakon Ukrainy vid 14.01.2000 roku № 1393-XIV [Pro retirement, processing, recycling, destruction or further use of low-quality and dangerous products]. 7. Pro zakhyst prav spozhyvachiv: Zakon Ukrainy vid 23.12.1991 roku (18.06.1997 roku) [Pri consumer protection]. 8. Kunakiv A. A., Seriogin I. G., Talanov G. A.
Sudova veterynarno-sanitarna ekspertyza [Justice veterinary-sanitary examination] Kyiv, Kolos, 2007. 216 p. 9. Lifyc I. M. Standartyzacija, metrologija ta sertyfikacija [Standardization, Metrology and Certification] Moskow, Jurait-Izdat, 2007. 399 p.

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 850(11): 548–552