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N. Lesko
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Problems of legal regulation of children’s rights from the negative effects of the Internet are considered in the article. International experience in solving the given issue at the legal level is considered.

1. “The Constitution of Ukraine as of June 28, 1996. No. 254к/96-SC” [Konstytutsiya Ukrayiny 1996. No. 254к/96-SC], Journal of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, 1996, No. 30, p. 141 2. Bulhakov V.B. (1999) “The golden age free “Internet” [Zolotoy vek besplatnoho Ynterneta] Companion, No.11(111), March 15, p. 24. 3. “Onprotection of children against information, which does harm to their health and development: Model act” [Pro zakhyst ditey vid informatsiyi, shcho zavdaye shkodu yikh zdorovyu ta rozvytku : Modelnyy zakon], аvailable at: (ukr). 4. “Onprotection of publicmorality: Act of Ukraine as of November 20, 2003 //” [Pro zakhyst suspil’noyi morali : Zakon Ukrayiny vid 20 lystopada 2003 r.], Journal of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, 2004, No. 14, p. 192. 5. See [Electronic resource]. – аvailable at: 6. Vasylevych, V. V. (2013) “Foreign experience of criminological policy inprotection of rights of victims from the distribution of
children pornography in the Internet network” [Zarubizhnyy dosvid kryminolohichnoyi polityky zakhystu prav poterpilykh vid poshyrennya dytyachoyi pornohrafi yi u merezhi Internet], Periodical of the Academy of Legal Practice of Ukraine, No. 3, аvailable at: (ukr) 7. Chachanidze, I. “The Internet: Safety regulations” [Ynternet: Pravyla bezopasnosty], аvailable at: (ukr) 8. Holina, V. (2005) “Problems of struggle against the crimes committed by minors who are suffering frompsychological abnormalities” [Problemy borot’by zi zlochynnistyu nepovnolitnikh z psykhichnymy anomaliyamy ], Right of Ukraine, No, 10, p. 74–76 9. Lytovchenko, I. (2010), Maksymenko S., Boltivets S.“Children in the Internet: how to teach safety in the virtual world: manual for parents” [Internet: yak navchyty bezpetsi u virtual’nomu sviti: posibnyk dlya bat’kiv], Kyiv, Limited Liability Company “Publishing House “Avanpost Prim”, 48 p. 10. Veselukha V. (1999) “The meaning of victimologic preventive measures in crimes prevention system” [Znachennya viktymolohichnoyi profilaktyky v systemi zapobihannya zlochynam], Right of Ukraine, No. 10, p.p. 67–73 (ukr) 11. Yurchenko O. Yu. (2013) “Problems of children safety in socialnet works and the Internet (victmologic aspect)” [Problemy bezpeky ditey v sotsial’nykh merezhakh ta Interneti (viktymolohichnyy aspekt) ], No. 3–1, p.p. 336–338 (ukr)

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 850(11): 48–53