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Iryna Zharovska
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The article deals with the problem of international institutional legal means to implement international humanitarian law. Special attention is devoted to the operation of international tribunals ad hoc. Dedicated attention to the mechanism of creation and functioning of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law committed in the former Yugoslavia since 1991.

1. Hutnyk V. Pryntsyp prezumptsiyi nevynuvatosti u praktytsi diyal’nosti Mizhnarodnoho trybunalu dlya kolyshn’oyi Yuhoslaviyi ta Mizhnarodnoho kryminal’noho sudu [The principle of the presumption of innocence in the practice of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Court] - Yurydychna Ukrayinа, 2010. Vol. 2. pp. 133-138. 2. Zadoya K. P. Problemy realizatsiyi u pravoviy systemi Ukrayiny uhody mizh Ukrayinoyu ta orhanizatsiyeyu ob“yednanykh natsiy pro vykonannya vyrokiv, vynesenykh mizhnarodnym kryminal’nym trybunalom dlya kolyshn’oyi Yuhoslaviyi [Problems of the legal system in Ukraine agreement between Ukraine and the United Nations on the enforcement of judgments rendered by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia] - Yevropeys’ki perspektyvy, 2013. Vol. 6. pp.99-105. 3. Malyshev B. V., Moskalyuk O. V. Zastosuvannya norm prava (teoriya i praktyka) [Application of the law (theory and practice)] Kiev, Referat Publ., 2010. 260 p. 4. Zharovs’ka I. M. Mizhnarodne humanitarne pravo[International humanitarian law] Kiev, Atika
Publ., 2010, 280 p.

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 845(10): 385–389