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1. Koval` L. V. Administraty`vne pravo [Administrative law], Kyiv, Venturi Publ., 1998. 208 p. 2. YAkovlev V. N. Ehkologicheskoe pravo [Environmental law], Chisinau, Shtiintsa Publ., 1988. 342 p. 3. Zhmotov А. I. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie okhranoj prirody v SRSR [The state administration of nature protection in the USSR], Saratov, Saratovskogo universiteta Publ., 1983. 128 p. 4. Bajsalov S. B., Il'yashenko L. E. Zakon i okhrana prirody [The law and the protection of nature], Аlmaty, Kajnar Publ., 1976. 105 p. 5. Petrov V. V. Ehkologicheskoe pravo Rossii [Environmental law of Russia] Moscow, BEK Publ., 1995. 557 p. 6. Brinchuk M. M. Ehkologicheskoe pravo (pravo okruzhayushhej sredy) [Environmental law], Moscow, Yurist Publ., 1999. 688 p. 7. Volovich V. F. Organizatsionno-pravovye problemy okhrany okruzhayushhej sredy [Organizational and legal problems of environmental protection]. Vestnik MGU Seriya 11 Pravo, 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 16 – 23. 8. Petrov V. V. Ehkologiya i pravo [Environment and the law], Moscow, YUridicheskaya literatura Publ., 1981. 250 p. 9. Maly`novs`ky`j V. Ya. Derzhavne upravlinnya [Public administration], Lutsk, “Vezha” Publ. 2000. 558 p. 10. Law of Ukraine “On protection of the environment” of June 25,1991 № 1264-XII. (in Ukr.). 11. Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “On Main directions of state policy of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection, use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety” of March 05, 1998 № 188/98-ВР. (in Ukr.). 12. Law of Ukraine “On moratorium on removal of green space at individual facilities improvement green economy Kiev” of December 02, 2010 № 2739-VI. (in Ukr.). 13. Land code of Ukraine of October 25, 2001 № 2768-III. (in Ukr.). 14. Forest code of Ukraine of January 21,1994 № 3852-XII. (in Ukr.). 15. Water code of Ukraine of June 06, 1995 № 213/95-VR. (in Ukr.). 16. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Program of development of Crimea as a year-round national and international resort and recreation and tourist centre” of January 29, 2003 № 133. Available at: http://zakon.rada.п. (in Ukr.). 17. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Order of development of land management projects for the organization and establishment of borders of territories prirodno-reserved fund, other conservation, health, recreational and historical-cultural purposes” of August 25, 2004 № 1094. Available at:п. (in Ukr.). 18. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On tariffs for calculating the amount of damage caused to green planting within cities and other settlements” of April 08, 1999 № 559. Available at:п. (in Ukr.). 19. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Division of forests in categories and selection of specially protected forest areas” of May 16, 2007 № 733. Available at: п. (in Ukr.). 20. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Position about the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine” of January 21, 2015 № 32. Available at:п. (in Ukr.). 21. Order of the Ministry of environmental protection “Regulations on recreational activities within the territories and objects of natural reserve Fund of Ukraine” of June 22, 2009 № 330. Availabl аt: (in Ukr.). 22. Order of the Ministry of health protection of Ukraine “ State sanitary rules of placement, design and operation of health institutions” of June 19, 1996 № 172. Available at: (in Ukr.). 23. Order of the Ministry of health protection of Ukraine “ State sanitary rules of planning and building of settlements” of June 19, 1996 № 173. Available at: (in Ukr.). 24. Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine “Rules of use of useful properties of forests” of August 14, 2012 № 202. Available at: (in Ukr.) 25. Decree of the President of Ukraine “Position about the State Agency of forest resources of Ukraine” of April 13, 2011 № 458/2011. Available at (in Ukr.). 26. Decree of the President of Ukraine “Position about the State ecological inspection of Ukraine” of April 13, 2011 № 454/2011. Available at: (in Ukr.). 27. Law of Ukraine “On local public administration” of April 09, 1999 № 586-XIV. (in Ukr.) 28. Law of Ukraine “On local government in Ukraine” of May 21, 1997 № 280/97-VR. (in Ukr.).